Your gift registry

How can I create my own gift registry?

  1. Your personal gift registry is created automatically when you register to the gift registry service ( Register ).
  2. When you log in for the first time, your personal gift registry will be empty. You can start adding wishes to it immediately!

How can I add wishes to my own gift registry?

  1. Go the your gift registry.
  2. In the section ’Add a wish’ you can enter the description of new wishes.

I have more than one account related to different email adresses. How can I join them into one?

  1. Log in with your main email address.
  2. Go to ‘Personal settings’ and the tab ’Email’ to add email addresses.

How can I remove a gift registry?

  1. Go to ’properties’ of the gift registry that you would like te remove.
  2. Select tab ’Special’ en click ’REMOVE this gift registry’.
  3. It is not possible to remove your personal gift registry (you can of course remove old wishes).

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